Just Start. Just Write !!

Maria Machilu
3 min readMar 30, 2021

Fi-NA-lly! My chest even feels lighter… because the amount of times I’ve said to myself that I’ll get back to writing go unmatched. And to be honest, I didn’t see myself having this as my first medium article as I was already titling another article. But here we are, might as well just go with it.

So… I’ve been wanting to write for a while now and for some reason I kept putting it off, and no, I refuse to identify as a perfectionist and a procrastinator. I proudly (*chins up) no longer identify as such, yourselves having front-seat-witness to my victorious overcoming of procrastination in this case (positive energy only, thank you).

It happened that I lost my father last month (may his soul rest in peace), a friend had reached out to offer condolences and comfort, and would occasionally offer an ear if I wanted to talk about it. This one time I said “I could write about it” he said “then write”. I got all excited again and allowed trains of thoughts on what I’d write about to just flow. A week later, then two, and I was still speaking about how I wanted to write but not actually doing it. So there I was repeating the same cycle of planning, getting excited about it, even feeling the rush of accomplishment just without the accomplishment itself. This other time he brought it up and I said “I’ll write, I still haven’t decided what to write on” and a train of excuses you could imagine, all he said was “write” ‘start” “just write”.

Two other friends checked in the same week, they too are writers, one actually sent me his article for review (such a splendid reminder that I was putting mine off). As we conversed, I made a few inquiries on writing, sites and go-abouts, and you guessed right, I did nothing about it. Nada. Not a thing!

Now, about a week ago (week ago… I guess this is a bad time to recall a song)… anyways, my brother had tasked me with something, few days later he asked if I had completed the task (for the third time) and as usual I said I’d do it later. Surprisingly, with no annoyance or any tone of disappointment he said “you have a lot of things to do in a day, probably far more important than this and a lot of thoughts come and go, the minute I turn my back you’ll be onto something else… so try to do things in the now. We accountants have one thing about doing it now, apply that to life as well. As soon as you remember it, when it is still fresh, get it off the way”. I must admit I tried this and it has made my ‘I-forgot-to-do-it list’ quite short. And I just remembered I need to refill my hand sanitizer bottle, and yes I’m off to it. So yes, go get that one thing you’ve been putting off done, ASAP.

I promised myself that I won’t go to bed until this is finished and posted, you can call me a promise keeper (*attempts to wink).

Ohh! All this just reminded me of one Chemistry class back in High School on Activation Energy, just how it might require or take more of you to get started but once you kick off, magic happens. I know some may argue that it takes more work to sustain things, especially once the rush and excitement is over, I agree… so I’ll take discipline and commitment with me. And hope. I hope this is a beautiful beginning to the telling of many life stories yet untold and those yet to unfold.

Dear reader, Just start!!!

